Sep 4, 2009

Ducthlady Milk New Look

Since child till now i still drink Ducthlady Milk. Either Low Fat Yoghurt, UHT Milk or Sterilized Milk. Either Coffee, Chocolate, plain or strawberry for me or for my family.

Now, I'm having 2 kids and they continue drink Ducthlady Milk. I got info from Ducthlady Website and i want to share with you. You can click at the link and we can share together. Below the part of paragraph:

"Enriched with ActiveCare™
Dutch Lady ready-to-drink milk is available in 3 formats (UHT Milk, Sterilised Milk and Pasteurised Milk) to meet your daily nutrition needs. It is improved with the new ingredient, ActiveCare™, which is a complete combination of nutrients that helps keep your kid’s mind and body active and alert at all times.

Protein - helps build body tissues, essential for growth and development
Calcium - helps build strong bones and teeth
Vitamin B2 - for the release of energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat in food
Choline - plays an important role in the development of memory*"

*Source: Journal of American College of Nutrition, Vol 19, No.5, 528s-531s (2000)